I literally opened the door to my office reception yesterday and met instantly with a business woman ( and friend) who was on her way out.
After a startled laugh as we almost clashed with each other I said ” Wow, you look terrific – very bold, ready to take on the world, are you?” We laughed more. Diana looked smashing in her fitted red jacket with a black and white checked skirt. No doubt, it was a power statement.
She thanked me for my comments and said, “I have a sales presentation to give to several key prospects. Thought I would wear my power suit.” “You go girl,” I replied. Her confidence and energy were so uplifting.
I thought about it afterwards and remembered the words my mother use to say “If you look good, you feel good.” Well, not exactly true as you have to have much of your baggage in order. However, dressing for the part that you must ‘play’ each day is so important. Dressing for success allows you to step into your confidence and put out what you believe you are able to achieve. If you present with confidence, you will act accordingly.
When giving a sales presentation to key prospects, then all eyes are on you in the room. Having character traits such as confidence, knowledge and trust are one thing, the essential magic is knowing how to convey these traits. The right clothes can help a great deal.
Knowing my friend, I know that some of her days are busy behind the scenes so she is seen in more subdued professional attire.
When preparing for our daily work, including meetings and presentations, I believe it is very important to set the stage. Envision the presentation before you give it. How we dress exudes the professional demeanour we wish to convey.
Given that I am in my home-office today ready to see clients, I have a casual professional look and includes green in my sweater.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone.