“If I waved a magic wand and tomorrow morning when you woke up, what would be different about your life…on the inside and on the outside?” This is a 2-part question that I often pose to many clients.
These life coaching clients of mine come to see me because they are in need of direction. They are stuck or afraid as they do not know how to move forward. Truth is we all get stuck at times. It is moving through the stuckness ( and the pain) that makes us grow.
The ‘magic wand’ question allows my clients who are afraid of dreaming to begin to dream. And, it allows my clients who always dream to focus more acutely as they sift through their dreams and massage them into realistic plans. Wow! Yesterday, I was in the privileged position once again of watching one of my new clients have an ‘aha’ moment as she carved out the next stage of her career path so clearly after being stuck for a couple of years. Life Coaching is a skill set that comes naturally to me.
Dreaming has no rules, dreams can be as big, as wide, as zany, as improbable and as extravagant as we would like. Dreams do not have to be realistic. Just begin to let yourself imagine.
Children are great at dreaming. Unfortunately too many adults tell them that their dreams are silly or crazy. If a child/teenager is told often enough that her dreams are silly, then she stops dreaming. Her imagination is stunted and her future negatively impacted. The good news is the ability to day-dream can be relearned at any age.
The ability to dream allows us to be more curious as an adult. It allows us to explore the “what if I could” as oppose to being dismissive with, “I could never do that”.
As we allow ourselves to dream, to imagine, to be curious, we shift to thinking positively. We smile more and take on an optimistic outlook. Eventually we go beneath the dream to uncover specific desires for what we truly want and wish for. Good life coaching skills come in handy here. The coaching process leads to excitement toward doable plans and achievable goals. And, we begin to believe even more in our abilities.
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